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Californian Wine

Four Vines Biker Zinfandel – Aggressively Awesome!

I first discovered Four Vines back in 2008 at the Cincinnati International Wine Festival.  Well, I discovered them in the same sense that Columbus discovered America.  They were already around and doing quite well, I just happened to become aware of them then. And once I discovered Four Vines I became a big fan!  Their zinfandel […]
Famalia Deicas Atlantico Sur Albariño

Familia Deicas, Atlántico Sur Albariño

Caymus Vineyards Cabernet Sauvignon – Not Cheap, But Amazing!

Although my primary focus on this website is inexpensive wines (it’s in the name of the site after all), I sometimes have an opportunity to taste wines that don’t fit in the “cheap” categorization.  And every now and then I think all wine lover’s should taste the “good stuff.”  After all, these are the wines that […]
Famalia Deicas Atlantico Sur Albariño

Familia Deicas, Atlántico Sur Albariño

Handcraft, Artist Collection, Cabernet Sauvignon – Like Cherries & Chocolate

A few weeks ago I wrote about the Handcraft Inspiration Red, a tasty little red blend.  So I thought I’d check out another wine from the Handcraft family, their cabernet sauvignon. I come across a lot of people who love cabernet sauvignon and for many it is their “go to” red wine.  Like many wines, it […]
Famalia Deicas Atlantico Sur Albariño

Familia Deicas, Atlántico Sur Albariño