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Australian Wine

Let’s Get Naked Chardonnay!

Today marks Wine Blogging Wednesday #36, and the theme is Naked Chardonnay.  That’s defined as any chardonnay that has never touched oak.  These are also typically chardonnays that haven’t gone through malolactic fermentation.  Malolactic fermentation is a process that converts malic acid to lactic acid which will reduce the overall acidity and gives typical chardonnays their buttery characteristic. […]
Traversa Sauvignon Blanc

Review: Traversa, Sauvignon Blanc

Alice White Chardonnay

Well it’s back to the Chardonnay Challenge.  I still have a number of chardonnays to taste–and I haven’t even gotten to the naked chardonnay for wine blogging wednesday #36 yet.  Sorry to the chardonnay haters out there, but I’ll get on to some other varietals before too long.  I promise. But for now, let’s check […]
Traversa Sauvignon Blanc

Review: Traversa, Sauvignon Blanc