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Australian Wine

Review: Hopes End Cabernet Sauvignon

I saw a trends report a few years ago highlighting that how wines are defined is changing. Winemakers are getting more experimental, doing things like infusing wines or adding ingredients other than grapes in order to create unique-tasting wines. Certainly, traditional wines still dominate the market but you do see some things you never would […]
Domaine Bousquet Gran-Cabernet Sauvignon

Review: Domaine Bousquet Gran-Cabernet Sauvignon

Hunter Valley winemakers embrace chaos at wine tasting

Since 2008, the Wine Media Conference (formerly Wine Bloggers Conference) has taken place in different wine regions. Historically, those locations have been in North America but this year they’ve descended upon Hunter Valley Wine Country in New South Wales, Australia. As a part of this conference, wine writers participate in a “live blogging” or “live […]

Cheap Wine Ratings on What Ya Into? Podcast