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Reichsgraf Von Kesselstatt RK Riesling — Zingfully Good

As you may have noticed, wine PR folks like to come up with various events to get folks talking about (and more importantly, drinking) their wines.  One trend I’ve noticed in this camp is the (fill in the blank) wine day.  You know, International Tempranillo Day, International Merlot Day, International Cabernet Sauvignon Day, Malbec World […]
Famalia Deicas Atlantico Sur Albariño

Familia Deicas, Atlántico Sur Albariño

Balthasar Ress, Von Unserm Riesling, Dry and Delicious

Like many European wine producers, Balthasar Ress has a long history dating back to the late 1800’s.  Before beginning wine production, there were several generations of butchers in the Ress family.  And even today the Metzgerei Ress butcher shop exists in Hattenheim, a small town along the Rhine river in the Rheingau region of Germany.  Balthasar Ress […]
Famalia Deicas Atlantico Sur Albariño

Familia Deicas, Atlántico Sur Albariño