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White Wines

Meli Riesling

Riesling, riesling, more riesling.  We’ve been doing so many riesling reviews lately that we’re at risk of needing to rename the website to Cheap Riesling Reviews.  And here’s yet another one… but wait, there’s something different about this riesling. Yep, this one comes from Chile—a different country in a different continent versus the other riesling […]
Morandé Vitis Unica Carmenere

Review: Morandé, Vitis Unica Carménère

G.H. von Mumm 50° Riesling Trocken

With terms like spatlese, kabinett, auslese, trocken, halbtrocken, combinations of those terms and more, there is a definite learning curve to understanding German riesling — or German wines in general.  And those terms all represent different styles of riesling.  Being “into riesling” isn’t as easy as being “into cabernet sauvignon” where you can pretty much […]
Marques de Borba, Colheita White

Review: Marquês de Borba Colheita White