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Wine Blog Satire


A new blog has surfaced within the past few weeks that is lampooning the wine blog community and I think it’s great.  Wine-ing 2.0 is like The Onion for wine blogs.  It pokes fun at wine bloggers with satirical articles which may or may not have a sliver of truth to them.

Some of my favorite posts are:

I’m not sure if this will have any appeal to readers who aren’t wine bloggers themselves, or at least avidly follow several wine blogs, but to me it’s awesome.  I absolutely love snarky humor.  I just wish I had thought of it first. 

But hey… why let that stop me from stealing the idea, or at least joining in the fun?  You’ll notice a new category in my navigation named, “Wine Satire.”  If you see a post in this category, watch out!  In fact, let’s start now:

Gary Vaynerchuk Hosts Wine Blogging Wednesday, But He Doesn’t Know What It Is

Gary VaynerchukThis past Wednesday, renowned wine vlogger Gary Vaynerchuk from Wine Library TV was the host for the 44th installment of Wine Blogging Wednesday, but in a faux pas moment he demonstrated that he has never really seen the event, nor does he know what it is.

In his own post for Wine Blogging Wednesday (WBW), Vaynerchuk kicked things off with a spiel about WBW and his “good friend Lenn.”  But in this spiel, Vaynerchuk instructed Mott, Vaynerchuk’s lackey, to “Link up the Wine Blogging Wednesday link.  Where you’ll be able to see all the other wine bloggers on the Internets talk about their cabernet franc experiences.”

At this moment a dull roar was heard throughout the wine blogging community as other wine bloggers said to themselves, “he doesn’t know how Wine Blogging Wednesday works!”  For those who don’t know, as the host of WBW, Vaynerchuk is actually responsible for providing the summary of “all the other wine bloggers on the Internet(s).”  The summary doesn’t exist on the WBW website.

Vaynerchuk continued, “…talk about their cabernet franc experiences from France, because that is what I brought to the table.”  Yes, it’s true.  Vaynerchuk was under the impression that “hosting” WBW involves nothing more than picking a varietal and calling yourself the host.

We spoke with Lenn Thompson, originator of WBW later that day who said, “if Gary thinks I’m going to write up the summary for this month, he can kiss my ass!  He’s the host and he needs to do his job!  And what’s up with him thinking he’s my friend?”

Tim Elliot, a WBW coordinator and author of Winecast commented, “I can’t believe Gary doesn’t know what a blog carnival is.  He is supposed to be ‘web saavy’ that’s why we invited him to host.  I should have known something was wrong when I heard him say ‘Internets.’ This is bad… really bad.”

In an attempt to save face the following day, Vaynerchuk asked bloggers to re-post their links and then delegated the WBW hosting dirty work to Mott.

When asked about the turn of events, Thompson angrily said, “I straightened his ass out!”

Tim Lemke Tim is the founder and chief reviewer at Cheap Wine Ratings since 2007.


  1. Meta-wine-blog blog Wine-ing 2.0 is hilarious, except for that post about KL, which crossed the line into cruelty. IMHO. GV not understanding about WBW is just, you know, the truth :-).


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