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Twin Fin Chardonnay


I’ve had a few bottles of twin fin wines recently and I’ve been pleased with all of them.  twin fin has really impressed me in several ways.  In addition to creating some very good, very approachable wines, they know how to do marketing.  They have branded twin fin as a fun everyday wine that captures the spirit of a day on the beach in California.  Whoever they hired to do their branding was well worth the expense.

The design of the bottles is fun and colorful.  The convertible and surf board on the labels embodies the sunny California essence that twin fin represents.  The srew tops are also colorful and an easy open.

Twin Fin ChardonnayI’m not sure when twin fin was founded, but they haven’t been around very long.  I couldn’t find an exact date, but they won accolades as the top new table wine brand in 2005… so, I’m guessing they started in 2005.  The company owned by Pacific Wine Partners and is run by a couple Australian winemakers – Hugh Reimers and Sam Burton.  Hugh and Sam have great winemaking credentials, but when they started twin fin they wanted it to be different frm other wineries.  I think they’ve done an awesome job.

All twin fin wines have a suggested retail price of $9.99, but I can usually find them on sale for around $7.00. 

I gave the 2005 twin fin chardonnay a shot as a part of my Chardonnay Challenge.  (I’ve found myself giving stupid names to my tasting themes… I’m not sure if it’ll continue as a trend, but it probably will).  And my verdict is: Tasty and tropical, a nice flavor with banana, pinapple and a touch of vanilla.  Very enjoyable.  It’s not the most exciting or interesting (but then what Chardonnay is?)  It is a dependable, quaffable Chard.  I gave it an 88.  If you’re looking for something simple that your sure to enjoy, try twin fin

Tim Lemke Tim is the founder and chief reviewer at Cheap Wine Ratings since 2007.


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