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If You’re Reading This, You Read Wine Blogs


If you’re a wine blog reader (and you wouldn’t be reading this if you were not one) then your opinion matters for a study about wine blogs being conducted right now.

Tracy Rickman, a doctoral candidate studying consumer research at Auburn University, is studying the viability of wine blogs as an information resource, and the influence wine blogs have on readers.  This project is for her dissertation, and many of us wine bloggers are anxious to see the results.  She has been conducting interviews for months to build her case and is now conducting a survey to add to the research… that is where you come in.

She has asked me and a number of other wine bloggers to spread the word and encourage you, our readers, to complete this survey.  It will take you about 15 minutes to complete it, and once you start it you cannot go away and come back to finish it later.  So once you start it, please stick with it to the end.

I encourage you to participate, as your input will not only help Tracy earn her doctorate, but it will also help wine bloggers like me better understand what info you seek on blogs and write better stuff for you.

Tim Lemke Tim is the founder and chief reviewer at Cheap Wine Ratings since 2007.


  1. I took this survey the other day. Ultimately, I must say I was a little concerned with the bent of some of the questions. And the odd “Are you bored taking this survey?” questions thrown in…I guess we’ll have to see what comes of it!


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