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Goodbye to an Old Friend


This past weekend I attended the 1st Wine Bloggers Conference in Santa Rosa, CA.  There were over 100 wine bloggers in attendance and I had the opportunity to develop new friendships, strengthen existing friendships and get lots of inspiration.

When I returned, my joy turned to sorrow as I learned that my cat, Mantra, had fallen ill over the weekend.  I immediately took her to the vet and found that she had developed a tumor in her lung.  This morning I said goodbye to her as she was put to sleep.


Mantra was my best friend for 16 years.  She followed me everywhere and I sometimes called her my shadow.  She had her own chair next to my computer chair and another next to my TV chair.   Without fail, she would always be curled up next to me, whereever I would go.  She would even sleep curled up next to me on my pillow.

She was the most gentle and sweet cat I’ve ever known and she will be missed.

Tim Lemke Tim is the founder and chief reviewer at Cheap Wine Ratings since 2007.


  1. Having had to put to sleep a few cats in my life, I still ache from the pain and miss them terribly. I am so very sorry you had to go through that, but know that you’ll never forget her. You’ll remember the smallest things about her, and it is those things that will bring a smile to your face, a giggle deep within your belly or a tear to your eye. For me, this is magical because it signifies that she’s never left your heart. I promise to drink a amontillado in her honor, matching her beautiful light brown tones 🙂

  2. hi Tim – I’m sorry to hear about your loss. At the moment I’m remembering all of the cats that I have had to do the same with. It was great to meet you this weekend, though it was all too brief. I’m already looking forward to next time.

  3. Tim,

    Man, I am sorry to hear about Mantra. My wife and I just had to put down our 15-year old tabby named Bo after his sudden bout with cancer. It’s devastating, I know. They become your kids, in every sense of the word. My family’s thoughts are with you and yours.

  4. Tim,

    I am very sorry to hear that you lost Mantra. Having just lost my cat buddy Ozzie last month rather suddenly, I sympathize with you and your family. Now I’m in a place where some days I feel good when I think of him and smile about him, and then there are times when I think of him and still cry. Like on the plane yesterday when we landed at home. For some reason I thought of Ozzie and started crying. Not sure why, perhaps I was thinking about missing my husband, dog Karma and other cat Fergus and that Ozzie wouldn’t be at home to greet me. Allow yourself as much time as you need to mourn, cry and laugh at the good times with Mantra…and be gentle with yourself until you feel better.

  5. It’s hard losing a member of the family like that, isn’t it? I’ll miss seeing her next time I visit, but I know you’ll miss her more than I ever could, being that she was your baby. My thoughts are with you.

  6. I’m so sorry to hear that. I almost two years ago I had to put down my beloved Maine Coon runt Harry. It makes me feel better to have her ashes with me now and forever. Maybe you could do the same and have Mantra’s ashes on her favorite chair.


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